About me

Hi! I’m Jess. I have a pretty typical story:

I moved to California from Ohio about a year ago to pursue my acting career. I was living in San Diego and just moved to Burbank and am now ready to dive into the LA scene, to make my dreams come true. See? Pretty typical. I actually can’t believe I wrote “to make my dreams come true” but whatever, it is the truth! Also I’m trying not to censor myself as much as I usually do.

So I’m in my early twenties, living in a new place, trying to be an adult, cook for myself (which is honestly a struggle – don’t judge), have financial stability and break into “the industry”. I don’t know, I just feel like there are a lot of things happening in my life that I wanted to write about on a more public platform. So that maybe other people in their early twenties or people trying to be adults or people trying to break into the industry will be able to relate and share.

And with that, here on this blog I will share my acting experiences, news, perhaps random bursts of inspiring quotes and whatever else I decide this is going to be about. Just me, really, and my life. Sort of ego-centric maybe, but I hope that whoever reads this can get something out of it and at least be entertained. Maybe what I learn on this adventure will be helpful to other people as well.

Well, I feel satisfied that I have now filled the “about me” section with relevant and possibly captivating information, so here’s to my first time blogging. Wish me luck?  Cheers!

Love, Jess